La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for November 08, 2013
November 07, 2013
November 09, 2013
Ernesto: See!? I can't get on the Obamacare website! This thing is a complete disaster! Maria: Ernesto, that's not a computer. That's a typewriter! Ernesto: I told you Obama's obsolete!
Lalo trying the old, ’there’s nothing wrong with it, it’s the users fault’. Sure would be nice if someone in this administration would stand up and take responsibility. They should rename this administration the “SARGENT SCHULTZ” administration.
Lalo trying the old, ’there’s nothing wrong with it, it’s the users fault’. Sure would be nice if someone in this administration would stand up and take responsibility. They should rename this administration the “SARGENT SCHULTZ” administration.