And yet… The power of Placebo has been vastly under-rated! Think about it; the confidence and trust in the authority-figure, combined with the belief that improvement is near, and the patient (usually, granted) DOES get over it. The doc’s job is often mainly moral support, while You the Patient heal Yourself!If the priest arrives at the wrong room for Last Rites, the patient willingly shuffles off the mortal coil. When he finally (days later) finds the right room, his patient is still waiting, alive. Hmmm?
And yet… The power of Placebo has been vastly under-rated! Think about it; the confidence and trust in the authority-figure, combined with the belief that improvement is near, and the patient (usually, granted) DOES get over it. The doc’s job is often mainly moral support, while You the Patient heal Yourself!If the priest arrives at the wrong room for Last Rites, the patient willingly shuffles off the mortal coil. When he finally (days later) finds the right room, his patient is still waiting, alive. Hmmm?