Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for March 27, 2016
Shannon: I can't wait for you to do holey matchimoney, cuz then you get lots of babies for me to play with! Toni: Uh-actually we're not starting a family right away, Shannon. Brad and I have- Shannon: And you can smooch any time you want to! And you get a new house! with a swing set and a barn! Toni: Wow. Is that everything that happens when you get married? Shannon: No! You get a new washer machine! And a bike and a pony!! Shannon: You also get a car with a big red bow. And a swimming pool and a wide pick a fence and- Toni: Sounds a lot better than "move in with TJ to save money" Brad: Yeah. our plans are way off.
I think we were better off as a society before we got so overwhelmingly PC about things like Easter. Your church’s calendar says that’s today? Well then, Happy Easter to you. You belong to a faith which places Easter on a different date? I’ll be happy to wish you greetings on the correct day if someone will remind me when that day comes. You’re Jewish? Or atheist? Or some other belief that excludes Easter? That’s fine too, if you’ll just tolerate my well-wishing the believers and understand that I’m not trying to offend you.
A month from now, I will be offering Joyous Passover greetings to those friends who I know to be Jewish. I doubt anyone thinks I am offending non-Jews when I do so.