About Mother Goose and Grimm

Once upon a time, long ago (1984) and far away (sunny Florida), an award-winning editorial cartoonist (Mike Peters) created a hilariously funny comic strip (Mother Goose and Grimm) that features a rough and tumble bull terrier (Grimmy), his absentminded caretaker (Mother Goose) and their storybook friends (Snow White, Rapunzel, Pinocchio, Dracula, and many other folk and fairy tale heroes and heroines).


Mike Peters, often referred to as the Peter Pan of cartooning, grew up in St. Louis and has drawn cartoons all his life. He started drawing editorials for the Dayton Daily News in 1969. After winning the Pulitzer Prize, Mike invented his comic strip, Mother Goose & Grimm, which is syndicated all over the world. He enjoys under water rugby (kidding) and long walks on the beach.

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