Now there’s an old time phone – in Nancy’s time, the phone company (remember when people called them “Ma Bell”) was still issuing old time 1930s phones to people, just before they came out with the newer rotary dial phone. Customers wanted the newest and latest (just like today), so the phone repair shop would put a new looking case over the old innards and voila!… instant “new phone” for cheap… that said, I still have my 1964 rotary dial phone in black in storage…
Now there’s an old time phone – in Nancy’s time, the phone company (remember when people called them “Ma Bell”) was still issuing old time 1930s phones to people, just before they came out with the newer rotary dial phone. Customers wanted the newest and latest (just like today), so the phone repair shop would put a new looking case over the old innards and voila!… instant “new phone” for cheap… that said, I still have my 1964 rotary dial phone in black in storage…