Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for January 24, 2013
Sluggo: Check it out--- BRAND NEW COAT-- That's RIGHT--- I'm "MR.STYLE". Nancy: Wow--- That's a nice coat, Sluggo. Where did you get the money for that? Sluggo: PHIL FUMBLE gave me enough to buy this at the MISSION STORE. Nancy: Work and BE REWARDED? What a CONCEPT. Sluggo: WHO KNEW???
Seems to me more of an indictment of our current society’s entitlement mentality and such an indictment fits the tone of the strip. Why work when you can have someone else pay you enough to live as you’re content to live? Clearly enough people believe that to have re-elected Santa Claus for president (along with his loyal congressional elves). The other option was to “work and be rewarded” and they chose “just reward me” instead. So, more people hop on the cart and eventually the mules will simply stop pulling, regardless of how much they’re whipped. History repeats.