Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for May 01, 2005
Ordinary Basil Basil doesn't know why Louise is being held captive, or by whom. all he knows is that he has to get her out. Unable to squeeze through the bars of her dank cell, Basil has to find another way in. But he needs to do so quietly, as Louise signals to him she's being watched. Searching the grounds for a way to sneak in, Basil realizes that this foreboding place is more of a fortress than a house. And the industrial smokestacks tell him that there must be more going on in there than just someone's intense desire for privacy. Finally he spies an opening that doesn't have bars or locks to keep people from getting in....which means it also won't keep people from getting out. It's too small an opening for a grown man to get through, but big enough for the slight frame of an ordinary boy. It's just a regular coal chute. Basil has no idea where it will take him, but it's his only option. After a long slide down the narrow chute, Basil emerges completely covered in thick, gritty coa