lawyers should be exterminated from the face of the earth. they should be drawn and quartered. their assets seized. they should be hanged by helicopter and their bodies dropped into the ocean ala scarface. they should be sterilized and castrated. their schools should be shutdown and their teachers burned at the stake. they should be lethally injected and botched where they suffer for 2 hours on the table because the state will not disclose their chemical cocktail. they should be used as human shields in gaza.
lawyers should be exterminated from the face of the earth. they should be drawn and quartered. their assets seized. they should be hanged by helicopter and their bodies dropped into the ocean ala scarface. they should be sterilized and castrated. their schools should be shutdown and their teachers burned at the stake. they should be lethally injected and botched where they suffer for 2 hours on the table because the state will not disclose their chemical cocktail. they should be used as human shields in gaza.