The Bible is the world’s longest-running, most widely respected, and least reliable Rorschach Test. You can look in it and see anything you want to see, find anything you want to find, justify any pre-ordained conclusion you prefer, or validate any prejudice — because the Bible has it all: love, hate; revenge, redemption; war, peace; freedom, slavery*; humility, arrogance; kindness, cruelty; and, as Mark Twain observed, “upwards of a thousand lies”!
*Slavery is the easiest moral question in human history. The Bible looked it squarely in the eye on multiple occasions and got it dead wrong every single time. Why would anybody ever again trust it as a reliable guide to ethical behavior?
The Bible is the world’s longest-running, most widely respected, and least reliable Rorschach Test. You can look in it and see anything you want to see, find anything you want to find, justify any pre-ordained conclusion you prefer, or validate any prejudice — because the Bible has it all: love, hate; revenge, redemption; war, peace; freedom, slavery*; humility, arrogance; kindness, cruelty; and, as Mark Twain observed, “upwards of a thousand lies”!
*Slavery is the easiest moral question in human history. The Bible looked it squarely in the eye on multiple occasions and got it dead wrong every single time. Why would anybody ever again trust it as a reliable guide to ethical behavior?