About Origins of the Sunday Comics

This is where it all started! From the Yellow Kid and the Katzenjammer Kids to Little Nemo and Little Jimmy, these are the origins of the American comic strip, created at a time when there were no set styles or formats, when artistic anarchy helped spawn a new medium.

This series will present the earliest offerings—from 1895 to 1915—of the famous and lesser-known cartoonists who were there when comics were born—over 150 creations from more then 50 superb artists, most reproduced here for the first time in over 100 years. These early pages can be seen in all of their full, broadsheet-sized glory in the new book from Sunday Press: Society is Nix, Gleeful Anarchy at the Dawn of the American Comic Strip. Later entries will include examples from other Sunday Press volumes. Sunday Press Presents will feature more classic comic strips at GoComics. Coming soon: The Complete Little Nemo in Slumberland

This historic comic is presented in its original form, unedited from the time period in which it was created. These images may contain harmful stereotypes, problematic and antiquated ideologies, or otherwise negative cultural depictions and themes indicative of the context in which it first appeared. We run these vintage comic strips to preserve a digital archive of the medium's early examples.

Origins of the Sunday Comics Followers
