CC: Someday, somebody is going to invent a vacuum cleaner that can take on your dog hair Louie.
Louie: well, They know where I live...
Louie’s hair is tough on vaccuums but Dalmatian’s hair is even tougher. Trust me! It made a auto detailer shop buy two more vacuums and try everything they could think of. Ever seen a grown, business man cry. In the end, the shop wanted to give my money back. Actually, I told them they had done the best job on the Camaro’s black, cloth seats of all the detail shops I had tried. I gave them an extra $ 20 to the tip. They told me to never come back.
Louie’s hair is tough on vaccuums but Dalmatian’s hair is even tougher. Trust me! It made a auto detailer shop buy two more vacuums and try everything they could think of. Ever seen a grown, business man cry. In the end, the shop wanted to give my money back. Actually, I told them they had done the best job on the Camaro’s black, cloth seats of all the detail shops I had tried. I gave them an extra $ 20 to the tip. They told me to never come back.