Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for October 26, 2013
October 25, 2013
October 27, 2013
Marigold: I hope Dakota is all right, but it is good to have a quest. I propose a questing song! Phoebe: I'm in. Both. EEVERYBOOODY, YEAH ROCK YOUR BOOODY, YEAH
Dana, I wouldn’t presume to lecture a master, but if I may make one small suggestion:
Adding multtiple ’O’s to a word like ‘body’ in order to extend it, gives the impression that it’s pronounced ‘Boooooo-dy’ ( as in ghost-speak. )
To get around this, in the scribblings that pass for my own wrtiings, I use a phonetic spelling, I.e. Every-Bawwwwwwdy, rock yer Bawwwwwwwdy."