My son had no interest in reading until he discovered my stash of Mad Magazine (‘60 thru the 80’s) ‘He shouldn’t read that trash’. He devoured that trash. From there, beings as he had gotten into Nintendo while reading the trash, he got into one of the major Gaming magazines. ‘OMG! He’s never going to make it!!’ Finally, coming up through Jr High and High School he had been reading library books, proud to say science fiction was included in that. In college he also read and understood the Ender Series, especially the later books which can be highly political (in that universe’s mess). So I say let ’em start reading what they want (excluding pornography and such) and as they grow and expand their minds they will range further and further until they have shelves of books.
My son had no interest in reading until he discovered my stash of Mad Magazine (‘60 thru the 80’s) ‘He shouldn’t read that trash’. He devoured that trash. From there, beings as he had gotten into Nintendo while reading the trash, he got into one of the major Gaming magazines. ‘OMG! He’s never going to make it!!’ Finally, coming up through Jr High and High School he had been reading library books, proud to say science fiction was included in that. In college he also read and understood the Ender Series, especially the later books which can be highly political (in that universe’s mess). So I say let ’em start reading what they want (excluding pornography and such) and as they grow and expand their minds they will range further and further until they have shelves of books.