Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for November 20, 2011
Poncho: Look! A dog with a cone collar on! Boomer: Ha ha! Poncho: Those are the funniest things ever! Boomer: Hee hee, it's so stupid looking! Poncho: Look, there's another one! Boomer: And another! ha ha ha! Boomer: Here come more..... Poncho: This is getting creepy.... Dog 1: Cone-collar dogs of the world, unite! Dog 2: Prepare for revenge!! Boomer: It's still pretty hilarious. Poncho: Hee hee!
Unlike that commercial with the humans doing this… these dogs really don’t have anything to grab onto another one aside from their mouths… I rather pity the ones at the “hands” of the beast as it seems the dogs holding them on are clamped onto their butts. :-s