^ Yeah, I believe the new guy’s backstory, just like I believed the old new guys’ backstories…
As it happens, I came in early to mention Nate Silver’s withering take down of the liberal revisionist history over Biden stepping out.He’s not kind to the Twitter intelligentsia’s canonization of Biden. Personally, i think it’s pretty dam saintly to step back for the good of the country. Nobody on earth had the power to force him to give up his power.
^ Yeah, I believe the new guy’s backstory, just like I believed the old new guys’ backstories…
As it happens, I came in early to mention Nate Silver’s withering take down of the liberal revisionist history over Biden stepping out.He’s not kind to the Twitter intelligentsia’s canonization of Biden. Personally, i think it’s pretty dam saintly to step back for the good of the country. Nobody on earth had the power to force him to give up his power.