Gir suit stand

kaigun Free

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  1. over 11 years ago on Big Nate

    I had to go to youtube and find that song because it didn’t ring a bell. Can’t say that I ever heard it, but in 1988 I was listening to KROQ and 91X and I don’t think they played much Billy Ocean.

  2. over 11 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    There was a great Soup to Nutz recently-“What kind of person fills a pinata with bees?”

  3. almost 12 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    That’s the exact same corner my cat sleeps on every night. The rest of the time he has multiple other places he sleeps.

  4. almost 12 years ago on Drabble

    I tell my family I want to leave 10 minutes before the time I really want to leave. By the time they all drag it out we’re still on time. But I grumble so they think they’re late.

  5. almost 12 years ago on Peanuts

    Okay, I remember Sally wearing the eye patch for “lazy eye” but I’ll be darned if I remember Linus and Lucy thinking they were going to move.

  6. about 12 years ago on [Deleted]

    Get a sitter or stay home. Babies don’t belong at theaters.

  7. about 12 years ago on FoxTrot

    I actually kept my resolution this year to lose weight and I am pretty happy. For 2013 it will be to keep it off.

  8. over 12 years ago on F Minus

    Why not keep using the noisemakers and break out the shotgun?

  9. over 12 years ago on Peanuts

    “That’s quite the ‘library’ the Van Pelt family keeps”

    My thoughts exactly.

    I miss the half gallon glass milk bottles too.

  10. over 12 years ago on [Deleted]

    He should have suggested the thimble. It probably wouldn’t have gone up as far as the iron.