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Yes, but it’s followed by what I would assume to be Garfield’s favorite quote – “two legs good, four legs BETTER!”
Nah, liars can (usually) be cured of it…lawyers are beyond all hope!
Because at least then it was Garfield, not Jon, that glued the offending hand.
I love Garf’s eyes in the last panel – seems he expects his list to be filled!
Dogs always wag, didn’t you know?
The store of course…where else would it come from?
They’re lips of course…in a ‘toon like this, that’s the only way to be sure it’s a girl!
I’ll take nougat!
Good thing you put former in quotations!
Army vs. Marmy?
Yes, but it’s followed by what I would assume to be Garfield’s favorite quote – “two legs good, four legs BETTER!”