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- over 11 years ago on Prickly City
over 11 years ago
on Prickly City
It comes down to a very simple point. If the climate models used to predict global warming do not match what is happening in real life, THE CLIMATE MODELS ARE WRONG. It’s a simple fact that no reasonable person can argue with. The only way to argue against that statement is with faith. Faith isn’t science.
over 11 years ago
on Prickly City
There was in fact warming on mars up until 1998, the same time warming ended here. The sun has cycles of hotter and cooler. 2 different hot cycles, a short term 11 year cycle, and a longer 200+ year cycle happened at the same time. The warming we saw for several years was entirely predictable and explainable by that factor alone. The planet has been here 4 billion years, there have been many hot and cold cycles long before there were humans. People get way too caught up in the experience they have within their own lifetimes and don’t fully understand the time involved in creating the planet and how things change throughout time. If you think about time the planet has existed as the length of your arm, humans have existed less than the white part of your fingernail. One swipe of a file will take out the entire industrialize time of the planet. To think we could in that time have a significant effect on the planet is the height of arrogance. The planet has been much hotter than it is now, and much colder. Long before anyone ever thought about burning anything. Another ridiculous reason I’ve heard from climate change believers is that somehow a volcano made it so more light was reflected away from the planet so that’s why the cooling has stopped. The same volcanos that spew way more “greenhouse gasses” that we produce. Add that to not taking into account cloud cover in their models, which reflect a lot more light away from the planet, and you see how ridiculous that claim is. These people never think past step one of any problem, which is why the never see the inevitable consequences of their actions.Check the recent research out about global warming that I’m talking about before you dismiss it. last year there was any warming was 1998. There has been cooling since. The models used to predict warming were fatally flawed. And we’ve spent hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars taxing and regulating what wasn’t happening. It has made ALL of us poorer, and put the government deeper in debt. It is all politically motivated by people that don’t like freedom and want more control over your lives. Sure we should be as clean as we can, within economically effective reason. No one wants to live in a landfill, but it has all been vastly overstated. Even if it was done innocently it was flat wrong. There is no consensus in science. You don’t get to vote your opinion. It is true, false or an unproven theory. The kindest thing you could say about man made global warming is that it’s an unproven theory. One with lots of evidence to the contrary that can’t even show observed evidence sine there hasn’t been any warming since 1998 even though the models they all sight to prove warming is happening said it would continue. Global warming looks more like a religion to me, the true believers definitely need faith to believe it in contradiction of all the evidence.Easier to read article about the study:
over 11 years ago
on Prickly City
Yeah, it’s amazing. Al Gore made himself a billionaire off of the hoax of man made global warming. Go look at the most recent studies if you don’t believe me that it is a hoax. Even scientists on the left (including the upcoming report from the UN climate study) are starting to realize they fooled even themselves with bad models many people told them were flawed but they wouldn’t listen. Their models never took into account cloud cover or precipitation’s cooling effects. They are too complex and poorly understood to model so they just left them out thinking it wouldn’t matter, never mind they are the biggest cooling agents on the planet. Even their assumptions about the effects of CO2 were vastly inflated. We’ve been told that global warming is just “paused” for a while so we have time to enact more laws to save the planet. But their models didn’t predict a pause, or even the possibility of a pause. they predicted more warming that hasn’t happened in 15 years! The sun was in a hot phase, there was global warming on Mars back then, and no burning of fossil fuels there. But everyone called you a kook if you pointed those things out. Guess what, we were right again, as usual. Now we get called kooks for saying how bad Obamacare is going to be for the country, and pointing out the reasons. We are right here too. The left is good at sounding compassionate, but their poorly thought out policies always have very negative side effects that they don’t think about, or even listen to if pointed out to them. Their mottos should be “Damn the consequences! Full speed ahead!” Obama could be captain of the Titanic! But he wouldn’t go down with the ship, he’d find a Republican to blame it on.Think about the poor kids in our schools that have been indoctrinated with this environmental BS since kindergarten. Now, if they are paying attention (and know how to read), they find it was all a political agenda to control their lives and raise the price of everything they need or want. Not to mention makes it more difficult to find a job. Thank you liberals! You’ve done irreparable damage to the country and the world. Caused more poverty and starvation worldwide. (That you are always supposedly trying to end.) Taken away freedoms and property rights all over nonsense.What is t going to take before the voters realize they have no idea what they are doing? Or worse, they know exactly what they are doing, but don’t care because it keeps them in power. In order for the Dems to keep power they need a permanent underclass to promise things to that they have no intention of delivering. If they solved their problems, they’d no longer need the Dems to save them. And they might discover how hard they make it for people to succeed.
over 11 years ago
on Prickly City
Well, that explains why you don’t think you are a leftist… You don’t even think the nutjob Pelosi elected in leftist San Francisco is a leftist. You really don’t know the meanings of the words, or you have blinders on and don’t want to admit what you are.
over 11 years ago
on Prickly City
It was 2 days ago, the 16th.
And um… wow… I think you need to make sure you understand the definitions of those words… I’ve tried to explain the Tea Party aren’t the radicals the media and the left want you to believe they are, but you refuse to listen to anything but the leftwing propaganda. They also don’t by any means have control of the republican party. If they did Obamacare would already be defunded. A few have gotten elected, that is all.
Lets see… Nuts on the left… So many options. Al Gore, who has made a fortune off of the global warming hoax. John Kerry, an old school war protestor is now secretary of state. Obama is just another race hustler like Jackson and Sharpton, he just speaks better English, or as Biden put it “is clean and articulate.” Then you have the groups every elected Democrat has to listen and pay attention to like Code Pink et al. Do I even need to mention Michael Moore? What a moron hypocrite. Elected Democrats are slaves to their loony fringe, well that is the ones that aren’t members of the loony fringe themselves. How can anyone with 2 active brain cells to rub together take Nancy Pelosi seriously? And the Democrats of the house PUT HER IN CHARGE! Then there’s the "Mom in tennis shoes from my state, Patty Murray. I have a friend that knows her twin sister (yes, sadly there are 2 of them) and says the 2 of them combined don’t have a fully functional brain.
The really funny thing is you are frequently trying to pose as if you hate both sides.. But then come up with posts like this that show your true colors.
over 11 years ago
on Prickly City
“I see that more in the Cons who burn books, CDs, and still have Dixiecrats as their core.”
Both sides have their nuts, the difference is the Democrats embrace theirs and give them control of the party.
By the way, I replied to your comment about my comment a few days ago. I didn’t get online for a few days to reply that day.
over 11 years ago
on [Deleted]
Well said. And so right on the money. The Democrat says: “You can’t do it on your own, it’s too hard, everyone is out to get you and make you poor and miserable. Only with our help can you carve out a meager existence.” They have to keep you down so you keep voting for them to make things better. They’ve been saying the same things my whole life and they’ve had full power many times but nothing changes because they don’t really want it to. If things got better there would be no reason to vote for them.The Republicans says: “Of course you can do it. I’ve done it, other people have done it. Get out there and work your butt off, that’s how its done. We’ll try to get things (mostly government) out of your way.”
Most Democrat “solutions” have the opposite effect. for example, the Americans with disabilities act. It was supposed to make it easier for people with disabilities to get jobs. In reality it makes it much harder for people with disabilities to get jobs, they are now seen as lawsuits waiting to happen. Employment among the disabled went down.Don’t even get me started on Obamacare and the disasters it’s causing. In large part its responsible for the lack of recovery of the economy.
over 11 years ago
on Prickly City
My point is it’s less likely to ever get to that point if people had that incentive. I have been $50k in debt on credit cards and climbed out of it before without bankruptcy. It can be done if you are diligent. If government wasn’t in the way the job market would vastly improve too. Not to mention it would be easier to start your own business. The regulations are so crazy now you just about need to be a lawyer to start a business, that is not the freedom this country is supposed to stand for. Look I have a mortgage too, and for medical reasons ( if you are interested) I don’t have a job, my wife is currently unemployed and looking for another job right now too. Things are bad for me right now. But I know they would be better if the government wasn’t making things difficult on employers. There is a government war on achievement at the moment. We are rewarding failure and punishing success. That is not a healthy situation for the economy and job creation. The way things are now I don’t blame corporations for outsourcing, it’s the only way they can remain competitive in a global market. I have no doubt my wife will find another good job, she is exceptional. We may have to move, but that’s the way it is. Unfortunately it hit us at a very bad time, I’m going to have to do some juggling to make the house payment this month and the end of next month I have nearly $3k in property tax due on my house. I’m selling assets to pay for that. I’m not blind to hardship. I just know things would be better for everyone if taxes were lower and the Gov wasn’t spending so much of our money. Government can’t stimulate the economy by spending money. It isn’t a stimulus when you take the money out of the economy then spend it. The economy is better off if you just leave the money in the economy in the first place. Tax cuts would have helped the economy. that kind of thinking is like thinking your blanket is to short and cutting the bottom off of it and sewing it on the top. It’s stupid, it can’t work. What it did was launder a lot of tax dollars into democrat party coffers. Massive increases in regulation and the additional regulation caused by Obamacare has businesses in an expansion freeze. they are still reading trying to figure out how to move forward without running afoul of the regulation.
Yes, sometimes people need help, but the way things are right now it’s hard to even keep the motivation to try. All the stupid laws that are supposed to “punish the rich” don’t punish the rich, they make it very hard for people trying to accumulate wealth for retirement. It’s stupid to even want to punish the rich, they are the ones giving people jobs. So they were successful, good for them! Their success doesn’t hurt anyone else, even thought that is a popular theory. There isn’t a finite amount of money in the world. There is always room for someone else to come up with a product or service that people want and make a new fortune. And don’t give me the crap about them stealing their money from the poor. They created a product that people wanted to spend their money on because they thought it was of value. Get over it and work your ass off to earn a fortune if you want. You will likely make many other people wealthy along the way, and feed many more families.
over 11 years ago
on Prickly City
I know it sounds cruel. But think about it. If you have no worry about where your next meal is coming from, or if you will have shelter, it does lower your incentive to find and work a job. Yes there are people that need help, and they should be helped. But we have far too many capable (in one way or another) people on government assistance because they just don’t want to work if they can live without working. Freedom does not mean getting things for free. In fact getting your needs from someone else is closer to slavery, or has the potential to quickly turn that way.
The female of the species usually is.