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- 16 days ago on Endtown
24 days ago
on Endtown
Hmm, it could be… Like I said, there’s not much detail about the Rats and their lives, but why is the other one called ‘Joe’? Could be another slang for all we know… XD
24 days ago
on Endtown
Just binged a few years-worth of that… It’s pretty solid! Thanks for dropping it.
I got to the part where Doc hires an efficiency manager, but the arc is interrupted midway and the next page is from a different arc, a few years in the future… Do you know if there’s an issue with their archives?
26 days ago
on Endtown
And here I thought I’ve heard and seen it all…
26 days ago
on Endtown
I like that the Rats will apparently be getting more development is this arc. There’s always been a bit of a mystery surrounding them.
Remember – they didn’t mutate like everybody else, but were already there from the beginning with guns, uniforms… and a plan to follow. It’s likely the work of Marx again, but there’s never been much detail about them aside from that.
Something else that caught my attention, while re-reading that might just be a coincidence:The name ‘Ben’ seems to pop up often in conversations between the Rats and it’s possibly a discreet way to establish a continuity of some sort.
I thought it stretches facts too much, but after this conversation about how wanting to ‘check out of here’ is NOT possible, I’m starting to think that there’s something literally preventing them from dying. Maybe a deal with Marx, guaranteeing them survival from the Apocalypse in exchange for their unwavering and UNDYING vigilance over Endtown.
We’ll have to wait and see, but it’s possible Ben might have been at Death’s door before.
about 1 month ago
on Endtown
Is that some kind of meta commentary about how the comic sort of progresses one sentence at a time? If so… pretty creative!
about 1 month ago
on Endtown
I kind of like the rats… Hear me out!
Sure they’re trigger-happy and somewhat apathetic to the average Endtowner’s concerns, to the point where they sometimes handle things somewhat sadistically, but in the end… they have a JOB – and It’s not an easy one.
Let’s put ourselves in their shoes… You’re stuck in a position where you’re constantly aware of the fact there’s an actual bloody WAR going on, with an opponent who can easily wipe everyone out, should he locate the colony and THEN… there’s the blissfully ignorant throng of people, living like it’s just another Tuesday, constantly making your job more miserable with inane demands about whatever the fashionable morals and policies of the day are. Don’t they know how GOOD they have it?
And to top it all off – they HATE you! Some more, some less but all of them without exception DESPISE you, regardless of everything you’re doing to keep THEM safe.
Still, you have a job to do. No-one will be grateful, if you do it well… in fact if you’re doing it well, no-one will KNOW that you did anything at ALL. Yet for every time you slip up, they’ll be there to judge you for it.
Still… You have a JOB to do!
Sorry for the rant, but I’ve been re-reading the comic and this is something I’ve been dwelling on.
about 1 month ago
on Endtown
Last time we were in Endtown, Jackrabbit was busy unearthing a Cabal of cannibals, more than a few of whom were part of his inner circle, which helped him get elected.
He bashed heads with the rats about who’s really in charge and since the rats have an actual arsenal and outnumber the police by a lot, he came out short.There was a growing resentment between the wolves and the rest of Endtown as the latter were being manipulated by said Cabal to suspect wolves of the pig disappearances.
The wolves felt unfair victims of prejudice and radicalized up to the point of straight out rebellion, which the rats put down rather bloodily.
Having become universally despised afterward it was clear that the lupines future among the rest of Endtown was going to be a cruel one.
At the end Jackrabbit was left with three big problems:
1. The rats had made it clear that his authority as President is indeed quite limited, since they hold ultimate decision power over how the colony can remain viable.
2. His inner circle had more or less betrayed him and established a growing network of over 100 cannibals, who were probably not going to give up on bacon with their eggs anytime soon.
3. The tension between endtowners and the now marginalized wolves would be a lasting problem, probably one without a solution, so his already shaky position would be further destabilized by his perceived inability to solve it.
That’s it in a very compressed form. I hope it clears things up a bit. Personally I’m looking forward to finding out what happened afterward.
about 1 month ago
on Endtown
I’m getting more excited by the minute!
about 1 month ago
on Endtown
This is starting to make my hair stand on end.
Why would letting him die be considered a favor? What type of horrible consequences is he facing, that he’d rather die? Is Marx’s ominous prophecy to Jackrabbit beginning to manifest itself?
Hold on to your hats, folks… this isn’t the Endtown we know.
Ben was seriously considering whether killing this guy might actually be worth the trouble afterwards…