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  1. almost 7 years ago on Rose is Rose

    Somewhere, still have an old 386 with Win3.1 on it …

  2. almost 7 years ago on Rose is Rose

    Oh, and by the way, how does admitting that she was wrong deprive Rose of anything? In my personal view, I would far rather deal with a wife (such as mine) who admits when she is wrong instead of launching into some tortured and time-consuming argument about why she was right even though she WAS wrong. And I return the favor, admitting when I am wrong as well.

  3. almost 7 years ago on Rose is Rose

    What does saying the word "chick"" have to do with this cartoon? Rose is not a “chick”. She’s a lovely woman, but definitely NOT a chick. If anyone was so insulting as to call her one, I presume that her alter ego (Vicky) would step in and deck the person (male) or slap the person (female) absolutely into next week.

  4. almost 7 years ago on Rose is Rose

    It can get irritating, especially if you are a good cat owner and don’t have your kitty declawed (the most terrible thing a Human can do to a cat). And some of us are allergic to the saliva that dries on a kitty’s claws when it licks them clean. Some of us get annoyed with having perfectly good slacks, dresses, skirts, tights, leggins or pantyhose ruined by kitty-claw pulls. All of which are good reasons to discourage lap sitting unless invited, and none of which mean we don’t love cats.

  5. almost 7 years ago on Rose is Rose


  6. almost 7 years ago on Rose is Rose

    Many years ago, my older brother showed me how to make ’squashed bread ’ sandwiches using a rolling pin. Like Rose with “anti-aging recipe #321” (25 Oct 1997), we added butter and brown sugar. Though we also folded them over without cutting (because cutting spoils the flavor), we also left the crusts on. We loved them, especially when accompanied by chocolate milk made at home with chocolate syrup.