I have an exceptional grandson, he showed me how to open the doors my daughter put childproofing on. He also figured out the swipe password by watching her hand movements, and bypassed the kid proofing on the computer. :) Kids continue to amaze me with their ingenuity, resourcefulness and resilience.
when “fact” checking, the source of the “fact” is important. There are too many internet sites that are opinions, OR “the world according to (insert person or group”, that deal in personal views, half truths, and straight out fiction*)LOL * I try to get to a scientific sites, but, last week and ended up at “game" fact sheet. I clued in when the demographics included Orcs, Halflings, Elfs, ….. ratmen?LOLROF
My daughter dog hides in g bathroom, for thunderstorms and fireworks. He tries to get behind toilet, since he is a big fella, only his head fits. On nights with thunderstorms he gets water and blanket in bathroom. though the worst of the storm, someone sits with him.
I remember a sister-in-law who totally freaked because the young niece she was sitting (sleep over) tried using HER make-up. (she never had niece as guest again :( her loss.)then tried to tell parent it was her fault. LOL ( niece looked up to her Auntie and was trying to emulate.) Kid never got into suff at grandmas house. But, then Grandma laid down rules before trouble happens. Boss level parenting skills. LOL
LOL depends on the baby. Some babies are born large (long and over 8 lbs) and are always hungry. (bottled baby food deserves the treatment April is giving it. I used the blender to make baby-food, saved money and kids transition to regular food well.)
my mother-in-laws neighbour (on lake) set up a row of firecrackers on retaining wall (keeping his lawn from being washed away) one fell over and started a fire. (fire doused after much scrambling )
“Shop!” it says “Shop!"