Aunabomber sketch

dubledeuce Free

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  1. almost 11 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    “young man’s fight” Well, you DO want to win the fight don’t you? And yes, I too served in a hot war on two continents

  2. almost 11 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    ““Allah”, just means “God”, " You better not get caught peddling that crap to a Muslim. He will dispatch your butt in a New York Minute.

  3. about 11 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    I went OVER to the archives and started from Oct ‘83 and went to Jan 85. Conclusion: Oliphant is one incredible seer of the future and reader of the tea leaves. Or, in other words, "there ain’t NOTHING new under the sun". 30 years into the future and the news (if not the political cartoons) is depressingly the same.

  4. about 11 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    FINALLY! Oliphant got one dead right. Maybe he could do a follow up cartoon on 911 Dispatch operators in training, learning how to ask inane questions and being versed in the art of obfuscation and delay.

    Darrow…for the Prosecution

  5. over 11 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    Well, think about it Jack. What if the populace voted to execute all people with brown eyes, their “rational” being that a LARGE number of people in the state prisons have brown eyes. It is CERTAINLY the will of the people, but does it make is Constitutional? That is the question before the Court.

    Darrow…for the Prosecution

  6. over 11 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    No, that was just a MORAN acting like a MORAN

  7. over 12 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    As I said in response to an earlier cartoon, Oliphant is out of ammo, out of touch, and out to lunch. Little does he recognize that the END of the Iraq war was completed on George W. Bush’s original timetable. Yeah, I’d say Mission Accomplished.

    Darrow…for the Prosecution

  8. over 12 years ago on [Deleted]

    That’s why I went over to the OTHER side dummy.

    This article is NOT about objecting…OR rebelling. It is about the violation of public property rights. Once they violated the publics’ property rights they were on thin ice. Once they failed to obey a clear and concise order to cease their illegal actions they were at the beck and call of justice. All protests down through time are honorable but all demonstrations in support of those protests have not been within the law. It is the provocation of the law-NOT the protest-that gets the juices of the public up in arms. Most are ignorant of the core elements that make up the provocations. All they see are the end results of the confrontation. In the case of the OWS crowd they got their 15 minutes of fame but the public SEES the true nature of this mini-beast and is not afraid of them. It is the Chancellor of UC Davis that is on the wrong side of the issue, like the Mayor of S.F. before her, she sided with their ideology and not the law. THAT is the failure in this case. Ultimately the Mayor found her position untenable and moved to do her city chartered job. The school marm has yet to understand HER job. Take away that thin blue line and her butt would be at the mercy of the OWS crowd. Wouldn’t THAT be a story?

    Darrow…for the Prosecution

  9. over 12 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    Poor little cop done gone over to the dark side. Probably was thrown off the force for not being able to run the gauntlet while getting “breakfast” down at the Dunkin’ Doughnut .

    Darrow…for the Prosecution

  10. over 12 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    Ask the 4 at Kent state if they are better off today than the clowns at UC Davis.

    Oliphant needs to get a grip on reality and quite shoveling this manure His last several panels have shown he is out of ammo.

    A bit of advice Oli, keep the elements of irony, truth, and surprise under tight control and your work will have relevance. When you leave one of these elements out, all you have is opinion. Opinion is NOT the bread and butter of a politicalcartoonist.

    Darrow…for the Prosecution