Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for October 09, 2015
cheers for the cheerless for the burned-out. c'mon, buys. i'm really tired, dispirited & uninspired. all things gold & burgundy fill me with a vast ennui. for the depressed two bits four bits six bits a dollar! curl into a fetal ball and listen to some mahler! mahler mahler symphony #6 the tragic mahler kinder-toten lieder for those who have moved on. redskins? football? i don't care! i've discovered solitaire! for those who never cared much anyway. push 'em back push 'em back sis boom bah! footbal is an-athema
Ah, the joy of Mahler’s “Kindertotenlieder” (Songs on the Death of Children). And you thought Slayer was dark.