where else can you go out in public swing at a ball then when you miss cuss loudly then do it again miss cuss then hit it into the water drop a ball hit it into the woods drop a ball hit it 40 yards hit it again 40 yards get onthe green then putt to hard then to soft then tosoft again and angain then finally kock it in do this for 4 to 5 hours and pay 25 60 dollars to do it
where else can you go out in public swing at a ball then when you miss cuss loudly then do it again miss cuss then hit it into the water drop a ball hit it into the woods drop a ball hit it 40 yards hit it again 40 yards get onthe green then putt to hard then to soft then tosoft again and angain then finally kock it in do this for 4 to 5 hours and pay 25 60 dollars to do it