The league cares not a jot about player safety. They claim they do, but they’re not exactly telling the truth. Let’s have a team play on a Sunday, then play again Thursday. That’s concern for the safety and well being of the players? Players, sometimes, don’t seem to care about their fellow players safety. They do something stupid (swing a helmet at an opponent), the league suspends them (often not long enough), NFLPA steps in a files a grievance to have the suspension reduced. How about the player injured? Who, exactly, does his bidding? It’s a complete, and utter, joke.
The league cares not a jot about player safety. They claim they do, but they’re not exactly telling the truth. Let’s have a team play on a Sunday, then play again Thursday. That’s concern for the safety and well being of the players? Players, sometimes, don’t seem to care about their fellow players safety. They do something stupid (swing a helmet at an opponent), the league suspends them (often not long enough), NFLPA steps in a files a grievance to have the suspension reduced. How about the player injured? Who, exactly, does his bidding? It’s a complete, and utter, joke.