Hi quartermain as well as the rest of you apemen and apewomen! Here is an anecdote that will mean absolutly nothing. I was on lunchbreak from the va for a checkup in san antonio, so i walked to the hooters down the block. I took my tarzan 1976 backissue comic with me so i could read since i was eating alone. The most gorgeous out of all the waitresses that were there came up to me and started chatting me up while i was reading the chimp detective bonaus story. She told me how she liked the x-men and the strong female characters in it. I saw it as a good opportunity to break the ice and the possability of a date since we were close in appearence and age. So i showed her this part of the chimp detective that i thought was hysterical were the chimp gets his detective hat shot off and gets pissed off. She actually didnt like it:(
Hi quartermain as well as the rest of you apemen and apewomen! Here is an anecdote that will mean absolutly nothing. I was on lunchbreak from the va for a checkup in san antonio, so i walked to the hooters down the block. I took my tarzan 1976 backissue comic with me so i could read since i was eating alone. The most gorgeous out of all the waitresses that were there came up to me and started chatting me up while i was reading the chimp detective bonaus story. She told me how she liked the x-men and the strong female characters in it. I saw it as a good opportunity to break the ice and the possability of a date since we were close in appearence and age. So i showed her this part of the chimp detective that i thought was hysterical were the chimp gets his detective hat shot off and gets pissed off. She actually didnt like it:(