Ted Rall for September 27, 1999
Take a moment, won't you, to consider our heroic ancestors who gave their lives to gastronomical experimentation. (Man: Think it's edible?) (Woman: I'm hungry, try it!) Thanks to food martyrs, we know that poison ivy makes a crappy salad, there's food inside coconuts and fugu fish is lethal unless it's not. (Man: Hes a goner. Cross flora off the list. (Woman: Can we eat him?) As for those who lived, we owe them for discovering ediblity in the most likely places. (Man: I call it an "artichoke" you scrape the meat off sharp point leaves.) (Woman: I don't think so. Looks like a good projective though.) But the march goes on: new foods remain undiscovered, new risks to be taken. Why don't you join the search of the foods of tomorrow?) Man: You want me to eat a bicycle training wheel?) (Woman: Think of all the starving kids who'd love one!)