I did read your posts yesterday. We are on the same page. I too have seen Robinson Caruso on Mars….it was very believable and a classic but still a parsec is not speed but distance. Light speed is slow. Time even slower but folding space is the way to travel. Dune. No time lost but for a few seconds or minutes. I like to think about that…..the light from a star in the sky took over 10,000 years to get to my retina. That was were that photon of light left that star……now 10,000 years later in time where has that star moved in the night sky?? We could stare a lifetime and never see it move but it does.All fascinating science stuff for sure.
I did read your posts yesterday. We are on the same page. I too have seen Robinson Caruso on Mars….it was very believable and a classic but still a parsec is not speed but distance. Light speed is slow. Time even slower but folding space is the way to travel. Dune. No time lost but for a few seconds or minutes. I like to think about that…..the light from a star in the sky took over 10,000 years to get to my retina. That was were that photon of light left that star……now 10,000 years later in time where has that star moved in the night sky?? We could stare a lifetime and never see it move but it does.All fascinating science stuff for sure.