Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for January 27, 2007
Tom the Dancing Bu by Ruben Bolling When President Bush was asked what sacrifices he's called on civilian Americans to make in support of the enormous sacrifices made by those in the military in Iraq, he replied: George W. Bush: "They sacrifice peace of mind when they see the terrible images of violence on TV every night." In this patriotic spirit, a new line of Posters For The Homefront is being produced to help the U.S. war effort. Does Watching the News BUM YOU OUT? Then you've sacrificed enough. Go ahead and switch to "Wheel of Fortune." I WANT THEM If you're an affluent young American, rest easy. We're after the kids whose economic circumstances "volunteer" them for service. For Baby's Future To China I.O.U. $1.2 Trillion - U.S.A. Don't buy War Bonds. Hell, enjoy your tax cuts. We're borrowing from The People's Republic of China to fund this war. And we're leaving the bill with this kid. Is Your Trip Necessary? Of course it is. That Slurpee isn't going to drive itself to your house. U.S. troops are fighting to keep the oil flowing. So, use it!