Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for December 20, 2008
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling The year: 3284 A.D. Place: North American Sector 79 Man: I have great news, your excellency! Man: Here, I'll transfer the data to you. Man #2: Received. Ah, yes, the economy is doing well. Man #2: Well, the end of the "War on Barbaric Tactics" helped! Man: Yes, redefining "Barbaric Tactics" was a genius move to victory, sir! Man #2: I'll just download this financial information into our database and... BEEP Man: What's that? Man #2: I don't know -- that download triggered some kind of messages from the archives. Wow, the DEEP archives! The 21st century! Man #2: It says: "To be opened in the event of peace and two consecutive quarters on economic growth." Man: No wonder it's so old! Man #2:'s an archaic file called "video". I think I can jury-rig it to play... George W. Bush: Bzzzt...y fellow Americans... Man: What is THAT?! George W. Bush: This is President Bush. I TOLD you that in the long run my presidency would be viewed as a success. Man: What's a president? Man #2: What's an American? George W. Bush: I'm sure all of inhumanity is now grateful for my foresight! Man: And what the hell is humanity? Man #2: No idea. But I have a feeling WE SHOULD be grateful!
Thanks for the heads up old71. Hope you had a Merry UAW free Christmas.