I, as a long standing Republican (before Shrub the Moron) actually contributed several hundred dollars to Obama’s campaign because I thought he was going to propose a single payer health care system much like Taiwan has. And what did we get? MORE DAMNFOOL SCREWED UP GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS that, as Nancy Pelosi said, “We have to vote for this so we will find out what is in this bill.”
I, as a long standing Republican (before Shrub the Moron) actually contributed several hundred dollars to Obama’s campaign because I thought he was going to propose a single payer health care system much like Taiwan has. And what did we get? MORE DAMNFOOL SCREWED UP GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS that, as Nancy Pelosi said, “We have to vote for this so we will find out what is in this bill.”
GAWDS what a bunch of idiots!!!!!