The commenters here are rather short-sighted. For those of us who do have a legitimate problem with gluten, it’s a big help to know when things are gluten-free. If it bothers you that much, maybe, as the Bard said, “Methinks thou dost protest too much.” I have a friend who complains about it like you, but every time she eats wheat, she has a major stomach gas problem. She has a sensitivity she can’t believe or won’t acknowledge. If you can eat gluten without any problems, just be glad you can. It’s a major pain, in every sense of the word, for those of us who can’t.
The commenters here are rather short-sighted. For those of us who do have a legitimate problem with gluten, it’s a big help to know when things are gluten-free. If it bothers you that much, maybe, as the Bard said, “Methinks thou dost protest too much.” I have a friend who complains about it like you, but every time she eats wheat, she has a major stomach gas problem. She has a sensitivity she can’t believe or won’t acknowledge. If you can eat gluten without any problems, just be glad you can. It’s a major pain, in every sense of the word, for those of us who can’t.