It is funny. Back in the 1980s and 90s big semiconductor companies decided that large circuits could be drafted (laid out) by computers. Both my wife and I (both of us are engineers) chuckled at the proposition. My dear wife would take one look at a computer driven layout and after a day or two reduce its size by 30%. We’re retired for years, so maybe things are better. I do know for sure Siri is getting stupider by the month. I think Microsoft bought the company Nuance which makes the Siri software for Apple! Like the U.S. Army buying Chinese ammo.
It is funny. Back in the 1980s and 90s big semiconductor companies decided that large circuits could be drafted (laid out) by computers. Both my wife and I (both of us are engineers) chuckled at the proposition. My dear wife would take one look at a computer driven layout and after a day or two reduce its size by 30%. We’re retired for years, so maybe things are better. I do know for sure Siri is getting stupider by the month. I think Microsoft bought the company Nuance which makes the Siri software for Apple! Like the U.S. Army buying Chinese ammo.