Ever since he was a young boy
Tony took a great deal of joy
In watching ‘The Adventures of Superman’
Being a most conscientious fan
Each episode he would sit rapt
In the glow of the cathode ray tube wrapped
His parents bought him some pajamas
Like George Reeves wore in the TV dramas
Tony would run past his bedroom door
Pretending that like his hero he could soar
And upon his small mattress then dive
Great pleasure from this did he derive
Tony was as a child always inspired
By the intro of which he never got tired
On TV where Superman held stance
Out above the Earth as Our Flag would dance
Arms akimbo among the planets and stars
(And perhaps a few far quasars)
So whenever Tony came upon a rise
He got the irrepressible urge to reprise
The ‘Superman March’ salutation
That stirred his youthful admiration …
Although to his neighbors it appeared
He was acting more than a little weird!
Ever since he was a young boy
Tony took a great deal of joy
In watching ‘The Adventures of Superman’
Being a most conscientious fan
Each episode he would sit rapt
In the glow of the cathode ray tube wrapped
His parents bought him some pajamas
Like George Reeves wore in the TV dramas
Tony would run past his bedroom door
Pretending that like his hero he could soar
And upon his small mattress then dive
Great pleasure from this did he derive
Tony was as a child always inspired
By the intro of which he never got tired
On TV where Superman held stance
Out above the Earth as Our Flag would dance
Arms akimbo among the planets and stars
(And perhaps a few far quasars)
So whenever Tony came upon a rise
He got the irrepressible urge to reprise
The ‘Superman March’ salutation
That stirred his youthful admiration …
Although to his neighbors it appeared
He was acting more than a little weird!