Huey: Hello, white house? I was just wondering if you guys found any of those terrible Iraqi weapons yet?
Voice: (sigh) no...
Huey: Hmmm...that's too bad... How about now? Find anything?
Voice: No!
Huey: How 'bout now? Anything yet?
Voice: Stop that!!
Finding or not finding the weapons did not change the fact that Saddaam Hussein had to go. He was dangerous to world peace. And he had only himself to blame. If he had nothing to hide he shouldn’t have stalled and obstructed UN inspectors at every turn. Since we could not get in to see what was actually happening, we were left with no choice but to act upon the information we had on hand at the time. All the intelligence said that there were or could have been weapons of mass destruction in the Iraqi’s hands. We were wrong. But how much worse would it have been to have done nothing and then been proven right. Think about it.