Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for August 16, 1998
Mom: Six rolls of 36 exposure film...double prints...for a total of 432 pictures. That's more pictures than exist of all branches of our family since the beginning of time including cave painting. Cathy: These are just from last month, Mom! Mom: This is my point. At the rate you're going you're going to have millions of pictures! Who will ever look at them?? Who will every have time to do anything with them? And you don't even have children yet! What on earth will happen when you have children?? Cathy: Oh, for heaven's sake, Mom! When I have children, I'm going to keep all the pictures organized in beautiful, matching, up-to-date photo albums! Mom:..Now that was a moment I wish I had on film. Family Photos 1800-1950 Family Photos July 31, 1998 2:00-2:05 pm.