Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for August 13, 2000
Charlene: Here's a picture of Bob and the kids standing next to a canoe, taken with Bob's new digital camera. Here's the same shot cropped vertically on the's the same shot zoomed in on the's the same shot with the lake colored a different shade of's the same shot with a kayak in place of the's the same shot with a border's the same shot in black and's the same shot with Lenardo DiCaprio's head put in instead of Bob''s the same shot with cute word balloons over the kid's's a shot of Bob suggesting that in my spare time I try all 600 editing options on each of our other 150 vacation photos before I "pop them into albums!" And here's a shot of a nice big truck taking Bob and all his electronic doo-dads far, far away for a little quiet reflection. The computer, one way or the other, simplfying life. (Then)Photos to organize (Now) Photos to scan, crop, colorize, retouch, re-size, edit, embellish and organize