Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for May 31, 2009
Mom: ...And one and two and...Picked up newspaper walked to living room. Forgot what I needed in living room. Walked back to kitchen. Forgot why I came to kitchen. Walked to bedroom. Picked up sewing box. Carried it to dining room. Couldn't find glasses. Walked to kitchen. Forgot what I was looking for. Decided to start writing notes for myself. Couldn't find a pen. Walked to bedroom. Found purse. Forgot what I was looking for in a purse. Walked to kitchen. Picked up newspaper. Walked to living room. Repeat 42 times. Caption:While others strap on a pedometer, mother logs another 3.5 miles on the "mom-meter". Dad: You should get some exercise, dear!
forgot what i was going to post