Science Fact: Leaves have so little nutritive value that all animals that subsist off them require specializations to survive. Ruminants such as cows and deer chew cud and have highly adapted stomachs; large animals such as elephants and gorillas are essentially walking fermentation vats; and bunnies do that thing they do, which explains why the rabbit food you buy at the pet store looks so much like bunny do-do. Life is strange.
Science Fact: Leaves have so little nutritive value that all animals that subsist off them require specializations to survive. Ruminants such as cows and deer chew cud and have highly adapted stomachs; large animals such as elephants and gorillas are essentially walking fermentation vats; and bunnies do that thing they do, which explains why the rabbit food you buy at the pet store looks so much like bunny do-do. Life is strange.