We took our dog to the vet one time and the vet decided (among other things) that the dog was dehydrated, so she gave the dog an IV. You don’t give a dog an IV; you inject the fluid under the skin in several places. Most of them took. One of them didn’t, so the dog wound up leaking.
JayBluE over 10 years ago
That poodle is made with French water….
naturally_easy over 10 years ago
Poodle Puddle = Perrier?
NoCents over 10 years ago
Bad dog – you’re in a lot of trouble.
jtviper7 over 10 years ago
Good thing he didn’t make a elephant…
dflak over 10 years ago
We took our dog to the vet one time and the vet decided (among other things) that the dog was dehydrated, so she gave the dog an IV. You don’t give a dog an IV; you inject the fluid under the skin in several places. Most of them took. One of them didn’t, so the dog wound up leaking.
contralto2b over 10 years ago
Now THAT is a good balloon animal artist! :o)