Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for December 08, 2015
richard's poor almanack catalog alert by richard thompson these catalogs will appear in your mailbox soon! downturn have you got a car fancier on your christmas list? why not give him (or her!) one of the big three? ford, gm or chrysler could be sitting under someone's tree this christmas! and we've got gifts for news junkies (the chicago tribune), the bookworm (borders), the caffein addict (starbucks), in short, for anybody! note: downturn giftables may include one or more union(s). no gift wrapping available downturn distressed gifts obamables obamables the obama white shirt only $4999 hundreds of items to more fully obamatize any life-style - hats, suits, shoes, mugs, towels, mousepads, iv drips, tote bags, camping gear, kitchenwares, pet carriers, infant wear, hopes, dreams, aspirations, breath mints, parts of speech, fishing tackle and more, all carefully selected for their obamanality! and exclusive this year - quilts and hand-crafted folk-art by the obamish, a sect of the obamites noted for their simplicity, plainness & healthcare policies. bum & hobo bum & hobo winter 2008 nobody's buying nice gifts in this economy. no, this year folks are scrimping and scrounging! and no where will you find a wider selection of scrounged items than bum & hobo! butts, bits, stups, sweepings, leftovers, leavings & swipesies, man for less than a nickle! our famous "50 pound grab-bag of bits" is still only a buck fifty!
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
Ah, yes! Winter 2008! It was a very good vintage for depressing catalogues and dreary gifts.“Now is the winter of our discontent…” was a popular theme….
PoodleGroomer over 9 years ago
Kobe retired. Hopes, dreams, hoop dreams, and available with secret service guards in early 2017.