Nice Vader reference there!
I’m reminded of the Cul De Sac comic where Alice wishes that she could take her head off and throw it at people.
Hey , unfair! The snowman is un-armed! Literally ! He doesn’t have any arms! Or legs! You’re attacking a defenseless quadraplegic!!
StoicLion1973 over 7 years ago
Nice Vader reference there!
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 7 years ago
I’m reminded of the Cul De Sac comic where Alice wishes that she could take her head off and throw it at people.
Barnabus Blackoak over 7 years ago
Hey , unfair! The snowman is un-armed! Literally ! He doesn’t have any arms! Or legs! You’re attacking a defenseless quadraplegic!!
Kid Covid over 4 years ago