Peanuts by Charles Schulz for November 28, 1965
Charlie Brown sits on a step with Lucy, reading the newspaper.<BR><BR> Lucy says, "Are you going to be a newspaper boy when you get older, Charlie Brown?"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown says, "Well, I'd like to be . . . yes I think I'd like to have my own route . . ."<BR><BR> Lucy says, "Then you should learn how to roll and fold a paper so you can toss it onto a doorstep . . . here, let me show you . . ."<BR><BR> Lucy continues, "See, you fold it across the second column like this . . . Then you roll it like this until you get it like this, and then you tuck this part in here, and twist it like this . . ."<BR><BR> Lucy says, "Now you're all set to . . ."<BR><BR> Lucy throws the roll and shouts, "Throw it!" Newspaper scatters everywhere.<BR><BR> Lucy continues, "Another thing you have to be able to do is get customers. If you want to know about that, feel free to ask . . . " Charlie Brown looks at the newspapers scattered on the ground and says, "Thank you."<BR><BR>
LadyBlanc about 12 years ago
Stick to umpiring, Lucy! :D
jtyroler over 8 years ago
Charlie (why does no one just call him that?) used to be a paperboy in the early strips.
jbruins84341 almost 8 years ago
Lucy, you’re a natural. A natural what, I don’t know.
alien011 7 months ago
Do paperboys still exist today? Or was that another job that was made obsolete by the internet?