Strange looking Roof Rack ! Why is it connected to the hood of the car ?
Time to rock the fraggle. Stay safe and healthy my friends.
Geez, they jerry-rigged a conveyor belt from an airport belt-loader to the top of that Gremlin!
Nice rack!
Oh, I do love the “Fraggle Rock” references. I’ve been caught up on this wild, fun ride of a story and now enjoying the new twists.
juicebruce 10 days ago
Strange looking Roof Rack ! Why is it connected to the hood of the car ?
RonnieAThompson Premium Member 10 days ago
Time to rock the fraggle. Stay safe and healthy my friends.
Cartoonist_Key 10 days ago
Geez, they jerry-rigged a conveyor belt from an airport belt-loader to the top of that Gremlin!
The Duke 9 days ago
Nice rack!
tammyspeakslife Premium Member 8 days ago
Glurps Premium Member 8 days ago
Oh, I do love the “Fraggle Rock” references. I’ve been caught up on this wild, fun ride of a story and now enjoying the new twists.