6:23 am on the east coast and this is the only comic I’ve seen that has been updated so far today.
7:50 am still out. But it works on my Gmail?? So this is the new update, NO COMMENTS ALLOWED??
Wake up little Sn-o-o-o-zy wake up !
“Wake up and go to sleep” When you are in the hospital, they wake you up to give you a sleeping pill! (It’s on your chart)!
Ah declare,Rufus,looks like this call for the LONG way around…..
Ha! My Grandma used to say that….“…WAKE UP AND GO TO SLEEP…!!”
Now that Walt is up and obviously displeased with his surroundings, he needs to get out of there ASAP.
Tech support was hung over.
Elmer6 4 days ago
6:23 am on the east coast and this is the only comic I’ve seen that has been updated so far today.
Blaidd Drwg Premium Member 4 days ago
7:50 am still out. But it works on my Gmail?? So this is the new update, NO COMMENTS ALLOWED??
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray 3 days ago
Wake up little Sn-o-o-o-zy wake up !
iggyman 3 days ago
“Wake up and go to sleep” When you are in the hospital, they wake you up to give you a sleeping pill! (It’s on your chart)!
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 3 days ago
Ah declare,Rufus,looks like this call for the LONG way around…..
skinkis.com 3 days ago
Ha! My Grandma used to say that….“…WAKE UP AND GO TO SLEEP…!!”
BlitzMcD 3 days ago
Now that Walt is up and obviously displeased with his surroundings, he needs to get out of there ASAP.
stuart_olson 3 days ago
Tech support was hung over.