The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for May 04, 2014
Huey: Hello? Is this the cable company? There seems to be a problem with my cable. I'm watching black entertainment television, but I don't see anyone black and it's not entertaining. Voice: Ok, sir. We get this complaint all the time. Let me explain the problem... Presumably in an effort to not decrease the profit margin by actually investing in original programming, B.E.T. mostly plays infomercials and televangelists on Sundays. Riley: Hey Huey, still no black people, and now they're talkin' about real estate!! Huey: Look, my grandfather pays good money for cable, and when I turn on B.E.T., I want to see some people with some color! Voice: I don't know what to suggest, sir - aside from adjusting the "hue" control. Huey: Riley!! She said to try the "hue" control on the TV! Riley: Well, now they're turning green, but they're still talkin' about real estate!
bsqnbay almost 11 years ago
Didn’t McGruder sell his soul to Comedy Central?