Garfield by Jim Davis for October 24, 1989

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    PookyandOdie  almost 15 years ago

    I remember this one.

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    Tedder13579  about 11 years ago

    What the? Why is the house empty? Who is that voice in the final panel? This is seriously starting to creep me out.

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    glowing-steak32  over 8 years ago

    Apparently Jim decided that the scariest thing was being alone, forever.

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    Rigby  about 7 years ago

    Jesus Christ that’s scary.

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    BensonRadcliffe  almost 7 years ago


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    Vetsworldwide3327  almost 6 years ago

    :( nononononononono

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    ☕️*Cxffee*☕️  almost 6 years ago

    What on earth??? Whenever Jim does a comic that’s nit funny the one where Garfield and Odie run away it has gags. I hope there is a ga to this

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    Mr. Spock  over 5 years ago


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    rgcviper  over 5 years ago

    This arc was a good one, and different for Garfield/Jim. Being alone can be scary …

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    Randomstuff1763  about 5 years ago


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    DouglasGoldbach  over 4 years ago

    In this comic, the house is fine, like as If someone was taking care of It. On the next comics, It’s all crumbled and with obvious signs of being abandoned. Either Garfield’s illusion crumbled on the next comic, or Jim did a mistake when sketching this.

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    RLinGoComics (REBRANDING) #StopP2025 #StoptheWars  over 4 years ago

    “You have no idea how alone you are, Garfield.” Yeah. Real alone.

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    Scribbles   over 4 years ago

    I never knew Garfield could give eternal nightmares

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    Nobody!  over 4 years ago

    no no no no no no no no no no!

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    Space Guy   about 4 years ago

    this is freaky

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    SCP Foundation  over 3 years ago

    Description: SCP-3166 is a 2.1-meter-tall humanoid entity, presumed pataphysical in nature, known to manifest during periods when the Garfield media franchise is performing poorly in terms of public reception. The exterior layer of SCP-3166’s body resembles a crudely-made costume of the character Garfield, which field inspection has shown to be composed of legitimate cat fur. However, analysis of SCP-3166’s composition in the field has shown that its interior mass is composed entirely out of pasta: specifically, lasagna.

    Upon the criteria for its manifestation being met, SCP-3166 will appear in the vicinity of a suitable individual, hereafter referred to as the target, and move towards their location. Known targets of SCP-3166 have included:

    Individuals prominently involved in rival media to the Garfield franchise.Individuals formerly involved in the production of the Garfield comic strip.Individuals involved in parodies of the Garfield franchise.Vocal critics of the Garfield franchise.Garfield creator Jim Davis.3Upon reaching its target, SCP-3166 will attempt to inflict bodily harm upon them through a mixture of blunt force using nearby objects and force-feeding of lasagna, obtained through self-disembowelment. During this process, SCP-3166 will vocalize by meowing, purring and screeching in the manner of an extremely agitated cat. Lasagna outside SCP-3166’s mass has proven to be an effective form of bait for the entity, as upon seeing it SCP-3166 will abandon its original goal and instead attempt to incorporate the pasta into itself.

    SCP-3166 first manifested on 10/23/1989 within the Chicago offices of United Media, who were the publishers of the Garfield comic strip at the time. Upon manifestation, SCP-3166 wandered around the offices in a confused and distressed manner, before indiscriminately assaulting any individuals present after security attempted to apprehend it. It demanifested twenty minutes later. Foundation agents responding to the situation di

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  17. Bobmenuanim
    Filename666666  over 3 years ago

    The comic strip that inspired SCP-3166

    Don’t search that up unless you like creepy and gross things

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    Zack Vladimirsky  about 3 years ago

    Garfield noclipped out of reality into the backrooms

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    23kclay  about 2 years ago


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    camerondawson  about 2 years ago


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    T-Minus, Comic Lord  about 2 years ago

    That “you have no idea how alone you are” gave me the creeps

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