Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for November 16, 2013
Petey: Oh, no! My Global Pickiness Ranking is down to 64! Alice: Is that the Picky Eater Website? Petey: I was ranked as 23. Darn! It's because I ate a piece of raisin bread! Alice: EW. Petey: Stupid sneaky raisins! How I ate the unfoodiness of them! Alice: You know what they really are? DEAD GRAPES!
“Dead grapes” are a Good Thing, little Otterloops! Petey’s problem is not with raisins (“unfoodiness” was just an emotional, unthinking reaction to his drop from 23rd to 64th), but with raisins being in his bread (and somehow the Picky Eaters rankings heard about it).