Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for October 19, 2014
Petey: Mom says I can read you the graphic novel I drew, " Andrew the Apathetic Ant." Alice: Oh boy! Petey: Andrew ant live in an anthill with 10,000 ants and lots of teeny weeny comic books. One day- Andrew! Lets go carry things ten times our size! No thanks. The next day- Andrew! There's some sugar outside! I'm not hungry. A day later- Andrew! I found a grease spot! Some other time. Petey: Then, on Thursday- Alice: Is this one of your stupid stories where nothing happens? Alice: You're trying to lull me into a stupor, aren't you? Petey: MOM! Mom: Alice! Behave, or its Good night moon!
Alice the graphic novel critic is pretty ferocious. But, sad to say, Petey’s graphic novel is pretty atrocious.