I know not what your plan is, but I see a flawYou’re going to run afoul of ol’ John LawFor all of your posturing and your blusterYour actions are devoid of any lusterYou’re mixing a deadly brewOne that soon you will rueThese terrorists are surely deadNothing there for you to dreadBut could it be despite what you sayThey actually were in your pay?Their attacks and their hatingWill add to your Arbitron ratingWhen them you do denounceFor the freedoms they do trounceSo tell us Ted, what’s the buzz?Ere you’re pinched by the fuzz.A late thank you to, davidf42, BillT, woodworker318, JanCinVV, JoviusGm, neonleon59. And a belated Happy Birthday to neonleon59.Did anyone know Aug. 18th was bad poetry day? I coulda been a contender.
I know not what your plan is, but I see a flawYou’re going to run afoul of ol’ John LawFor all of your posturing and your blusterYour actions are devoid of any lusterYou’re mixing a deadly brewOne that soon you will rueThese terrorists are surely deadNothing there for you to dreadBut could it be despite what you sayThey actually were in your pay?Their attacks and their hatingWill add to your Arbitron ratingWhen them you do denounceFor the freedoms they do trounceSo tell us Ted, what’s the buzz?Ere you’re pinched by the fuzz.A late thank you to, davidf42, BillT, woodworker318, JanCinVV, JoviusGm, neonleon59. And a belated Happy Birthday to neonleon59.Did anyone know Aug. 18th was bad poetry day? I coulda been a contender.